
When God Provides
  During my freshman year at Arizona State, I was riding my bright yellow bicycle to an economics exam when...
Sou virgem e estou namorando uma mulher com um mau passado, mas que hoje busca a pureza. Pensar sobre seu passado me atormenta. Como posso superar isso?
Sei como você se sente, porque eu era virgem no dia em que me casei, mas minha esposa não. Assim...
Is pornography cheating?
Is pornography cheating? Yes. Oh, sorry…I guess I need to write more. Well, I guess I can explain it a...
My Marriage is Not a Fairy Tale
(Also titled, “How you can marry the man of your dreams and still want to punch him in the face...
O passado de minha namorada me assusta!
Eu sou virgem e estou namorando uma mulher que tinha um passado ruim, mas agora é decidiu viver a pureza....
Por que o sexo antes do casamento é ruim?
Are You Finally Ready to be Free? (Part 1)
If you or someone you love struggles with pornography, it’s my hope that the following two blogs will be of...
Don’t Open Your Presents Before Christmas
In 1994, there was no choice but to wait. I remember how the world was rocked when a new technology...
5 Things to Know and Share About Sex Trafficking
1. WHAT IS SEX TRAFFICKING Sex trafficking is a subset of human trafficking  and has been defined by the 2013 Trafficking in...
Why Prince Charming is a lie, but real men aren’t!
I LOVE the song ‘Lead Me’ by Sanctus Real, but I can’t listen to it without getting emotional. My friend...
Reality TV vs. Real Love
Oh reality TV shows. I’m a sucker for them… along with most of my generation. A few weeks ago, I...
How does a woman break free from pornography?
The thing about breaking free from lust is just that, you don’t just break free. It isn’t a wall to...
Internet Safety is an Illusion
4 Critical Things Parents Must Do to Protect Their Children from Porn As Christians, we should be the least naïve...
G, L, B, T, Q, S . . . What’s your identity?
While it is true that same-sex attractions are a part of my life story, today I share of myself to defend...
The Day We’ll Share a Home
"97% of couples live together before getting married." (- The Knot) I am part of the 3%. I do not...
Sex: What’s the big deal?
"What's the big deal with sex, anyway?  Why is it important to save sex for marriage?” These are common questions,...
BUSTED: Three myths people use to promote premarital sex.
In 2009 and 2012, I wrote essays for the Tampa Bay Times about why I’m saving sex for marriage—essays that...
Are you free to love?
One of my favorite lines in any movie I've ever watched comes from Disney's live action Beauty and the Beast....
Homosexuality and being a “real” man
Trends come and go. This we know is true. Whether it be “man hair-buns” (shudder), burly beards and smoking pipes,...
Open Your Eyes (Part 2)
We were in the library looking at a photograph book of the beautiful countryside in France. Then we turned to...
Planned Parenthood – The Enemy of Chastity
If you have been following the news this past summer, Planned Parenthood Federation of America has found themselves in a...
Mi matrimonio no es cuento de hadas
(También titulado “¿Cómo puedes casarte con el hombre de tus sueños y aun así querer algunas veces darle una bofetada?”)...
HELP! I Can’t Stop Looking at Porn
Pornography use has become an epidemic. The governors of Utah and Tennessee have recently declared pornography a, “public health crisis.”...
Homosexuality: Am I destined to be alone?
Many people think that because I experience same-sex attractions, I have only two choices in life: Get into a relationship...
An open letter to porn viewers
[The following is a high school teacher’s letter to his students on pornography] Dear Seniors, Our desire as human beings is...
Are you free to love?
One often hears from young people something like the following: “You’re only young once—now is the time for me get...
Namorando (e terminando) com virtude
Estilingues Lembra da história de Davi e Golias? Aquela que um pequeno pastor proclama uma vitória inesperada sobre um guerreiro...
Dating in the 21st Century
I’ve discerned religious life, gone on dating fasts and discerned what God is calling me to. I’m 30 and single....
Looking for Love in all the Right Places
Every day we’re bombarded with messages about what promises to satisfy us—pleasure, food, technology—you name it! We want it all,...
The Beauty of Woman
Here it goes. Get out your phone. Open Google. Now, fill your search history with searches of beautiful women. Wait,...
Emotional Chastity: Is That Even a Real Thing?
Marc Barns of Bad Catholic recently wrote a post that included his dislike of the phrase “emotional chastity." I read the...
Why Porn Can’t Replace Intimacy
Today I was reading an article on a tech blog that was applauding a porn company for its innovative use...
Advice From The “Real” Love Experts (Part 2)
Conceal don’t feel. This is the mantra of the Snow Queen, Elsa, throughout every stage of life. That is, of...
NFP: Not Freaking Practical
When we got married, I knew a few “absolutes.” Tommy was going to snore (I’d heard him do so during...
Where are the real men?
I was at an amusement park with my kids recently, where I observed a guy and a girl holding hands....
Homosexuality . . . and chastity?
For many years, I rejected chastity while thinking I was truly free. However, that kept me from being able to...
Leaving LGBTQ+… and Not Looking Back
Imagine if you could help someone move from despair to joy, and help them discover God’s will for them in a new,...
Is this first date the beginning of forever?
My friends and I used to treat first dates like a final exam. If you pass, you get married. If...
Is this first date the beginning of forever?
My friends and I used to treat first dates like a final exam. If you pass, you get married. If...
I Didn’t Wait And Wish I Did: An open response to Samantha Pugsley
Recently I read an article entitled "I Waited Until My Wedding Night To Lose My Virginity And Wish I Didn’t,"...
Why Today is the Day to Break Up with Your Boyfriend
I received many wonderful responses to my piece "When God Provides." I got texts from old friends, girls I knew...
Dear Future Spouse… An open letter from me to you
A good friend of mine recently gave me a book about future spouses. After each chapter there is a nice...

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