Modesty: Can We Just Agree To Be Reasonable?
Few things light up the comments section like a post on modesty. Reactions range from, “Teaching modesty is body shaming...
Modesty: What is that?!
Modesty. What is the first image that comes to mind when someone mentions modesty? Do you have pictures of Amish...
Modesty: Heart before hemline
For a lot of people the word ‘modesty’ is automatically associated with clothing and appearance. Most girls think of being...
5 Modesty Hacks To Save Your Wardrobe
When it comes to purity, often the hardest topic to sell to young women is that of modesty. As a...
My problem with “modesty”
I was introduced to the idea of modesty being a virtue that I should embrace as a young girl. For...
30 Day Modesty Challenge
Challenge time, beautiful ladies of the Lord! In our culture nowadays it seems that it is much easier for us...
The importance of modesty . . . for MEN
Before we walk down this minefield, let’s set the record straight: this is also a guyissue, not just one for...
Modesty: What’s the point?
Olympic star Aly Raisman said she knew she would face controversy when she decided to appear in this year's issue...
Leaving Modesty in the Locker Room
Even amongst faithful people, there is much disagreement about modesty at the gym. Having some form of physical activity is...
Open Your Eyes (Part 2)
We were in the library looking at a photograph book of the beautiful countryside in France. Then we turned to...
Open Your Eyes (Part 1)
I was fourteen, unpacking some brand-new shirts I had ordered, and trying them on my brand-new figure. My mom was...
I Never Knew a Bikini Could Hide So Much
Do you know what's funny about dressing modestly? It is the hardest thing to start, yet then becomes impossible...
Modest: Not Hottest, but oh-so Beautiful
Being modest is hard. Speaking as a nineteen-year-old Catholic woman who loves fashion, I will tell you first hand that modesty...
Revealing the “M” Word
I think we can all agree that $100 is a fairly large sum of money. If you had $100 on...
You’re Worth More Than A Bikini
Swimsuit shopping. I shudder a little at the implications brought on by that short, heart wrenching, dessert guilt-inducing phrase. It...
What’s “Perfectly Normal”?
That sex-ed book It’s Perfectly Normal is in the news again. Some parents in St. Charles, Missouri are outraged by...
Is This Too Short?
Is this too short? I’ve been asking myself this question since I tried on my new dress in the store....
How to Keep it Classy this Summer
Dress Like You Mean It As I browsed through the clothing racks of my favorite store the other day, my...
The Paradox of Sexy Beauty
I still remember walking to the mall one day with my friend during the beginning of my high school years....
“It’s not you… it’s me.”
“It’s not you… it’s me.” These are well-known “famous last words” of so many relationships. Well, this is what I wish...
Why I’m Waiting to Have Sex Until I’m Married
My inbox is flooded daily with questions from young women saying, My boyfriend says that if I really love him, I’ll...
How to talk to friends about chastity . . . without losing them
I am often approached by young people who begin our conversation with the phrase, “So I have this friend…” Many...
Three Reasons to Wait Before You Flirt or Date
You’ve probably heard of the Stanford marshmallow experiment. In the ’60s and ’70s, Walter Mischel—then a psychologist at Stanford University—put...
Pornography: It’s not just a guy thing.
I unexpectedly had a fifteen year old girl come up to me yesterday and ask for prayer for freedom from...
Miley can’t hear you—but we can.
We all know about Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance last fall, but she continues to be in the news for one...
Veiled . . . for the sake of the angels
Several years ago, the priest who concelebrated my wedding (Fr. Louis Solcia) suggested that I do something that I hadn’t...
The Beauty of Woman
Here it goes. Get out your phone. Open Google. Now, fill your search history with searches of beautiful women. Wait,...